15. November 2010
von Blackbam

In the beginning of web development a lot of people are creating their code-files with Adobe Dreamweaver, a standard tool for beginners and designers, because it is in the Adobe Collection, but no solution for serious programmers. When a programmer leaves the text-editors and graphical-editors behind to use a serious IDE there are a lot of possibilities like Netbeans, Zend, Eclipse, Visual Studio and so on.

My choice for developing web applications is Eclipse with the Aptana Plugin. This is really comfortable for PHP-Development, but i always hated the boring and ugly built-in syntax highlighting. Searching on the internet for a nice color scheme was leading to some quite nice results, but I was missing the nice, clear and colourful syntax highlighting of the Dreamweaver, so I decided to create a color scheme similar to it. Example:

Download: Aptana Dreamweaver color syntax highlighting by Blackbam

  1. Open Eclipse with the Aptana Plugin
  2. Go to Window -> Preferences -> Aptana -> Editors -> [langauge] -> Manage Colorization -> Import Colors
  3. Enjoy

Dieser Eintrag wurde am 15. November 2010 um 0:00 in der Kategorie Tools, Web Development veröffentlicht. Du kannst die Kommentare zu diesem Artikel mit RSS 2.0 abonnieren. Feedback, Diskussion, Lob und Kritik sind erwünscht: Kommentar schreiben oder Trackback anlegen.

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Warning: Use of undefined constant Ext_related_links - assumed 'Ext_related_links' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/.sites/609/site1266/web/blackbams-blog/wp-content/themes/SilentWoodsByBlackbam/single.php on line 75

Bereits 5 Meinungen zu "Eclipse: Aptana „Dreamweaver“ syntax highlighting":

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Christoph   sagt:

am 17. Januar 2011 um 15:20 Uhr

Gut zu wissen :-)

hadi   sagt:

am 25. Juni 2011 um 22:03 Uhr

Hi, I run eclipse 3.6 and I install both aptana 2.0 and 3.0 plugin but I can't find >>Manage Colorization There is no such thing as Manage Colorization under language? Your help is appreciated thank you :)

Blackbam     sagt:

am 25. Juni 2011 um 22:35 Uhr

Hi there, as you have recognized correctly this article is not up to date! This Theme was intended to be used with Aptana 1.5 (which was the last one to support PHP until version 3.0).

In the current release of Aptana Studio (3.0.2) somebody made a great Dreamweaver syntax highlighting which is integrated by default. However I created a slightly improved version of it, where PHP-tags are red, for example (which did not work for me in the provided one).

You can download the Theme from here: http://www.blackbam.at/material/Dreamweaver%20Blackbam.tmTheme

Go to Window -> Preferences -> Aptana -> Themes for import or activation and creation of themes in general in Aptana 3.

hadi   sagt:

am 25. Juni 2011 um 22:37 Uhr

hi, may I know what is your eclipse and aptana plugin version? thank you

hadi   sagt:

am 25. Juni 2011 um 22:44 Uhr

hi, thank you very much for your quick reply. Same with me the php tag is not red. Sorry I don't refresh my page. Thank you again. the theme worked great! :)

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