7. May 2015
von Blackbam

Sometimes when moving a WordPress installation to another Webhost if cloning the database and the files and even if the domain is the same you may get the error “Too many redirects”. This usually happens if the configuration of the new server environment is different from the old one.

In many cases the problem is that the domain is with www. or without www. in the beginning which may differ from the old system. In this case you probably have to go to the “hosting settings” of your cPanel or whatever and set the domain correctly. The error will be gone afterwards.


Dieser Eintrag wurde am 7. May 2015 um 0:00 in der Kategorie WordPress veröffentlicht. You can book the comments for this article RSS 2.0. Feedback, discussion, commendation and critics are welcome: Write a comment or trackback.


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