8. December 2015
von Blackbam

Thats a very annoying common problem I discovered – if calling Ajax within a Javascript loop the callback function will be called asynchronously. That means: All local variables in the callback function will have their future value instead the value they had when the loop was running.


Example 1 (probably unwanted results):

var types = ["boring","stupid","funny"];

for(key in types) {
    var type=types[key];

    $.ajax({url: "/?connection=get&type="+type, success: function(result){

Result: Only #funny is populated (with the results of the last callback, no matter which ends last).


Example 2 (solution):

var types = ["boring","stupid","funny"];

for(key in types) {
    var type=types[key];

    (function(type) {
        $.ajax({url: "/?connection=get&type="+type, success: function(result){

Result: The elements with ids #boring, #stupid and #funny are populated with the result of the corresponding callback.


Explanation: You have created a closure which is preserving the value of type according to the current iteration.


Dieser Eintrag wurde am 8. December 2015 um 19:19 in der Kategorie JavaScript / Ajax, jQuery, Web Development veröffentlicht. You can book the comments for this article RSS 2.0. Feedback, discussion, commendation and critics are welcome: Write a comment or trackback.

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