Category "JavaScript / Ajax"

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8. December 2015
from Blackbam

Thats a very annoying common problem I discovered – if calling Ajax within a Javascript loop the callback function will be called asynchronously. That means: All local variables in the callback function will have their future value instead the value they had when the loop was running.   Example 1 (probably unwanted results): var types […]

7. February 2012
from Blackbam

Nothing new, nothing special… just the working code of a basic Ajax skeleton, as this has to be copied and pasted that often. This example shows an application similar to Google suggest, which searches related values, whenever a key is pressed.

1. July 2011
from Blackbam

These are my todays top 10 Javascript functions which I gathered in more than 6 months of casually Javascript Development. Almost each of them helped out of more than one problem, so they deserve to be perpetuated here and help again. Most of these are not written by me, but by some other great programmer on the web, and I really would like to mention all of them here if I would know where I have got all of these great scripts. Have fun an use wisely. […]

8. May 2011
from Blackbam

Sorry, this entry is only available in Deutsch.

18. October 2010
from Blackbam

This tutorial shows how it is possible to scroll a very big database table using Asynchronous Javascript and JSON with an easy extendable and customizable script. We created four files – index.html (contains the Ajax table), functions.js (contains all the Ajax work), suggest.php (the server-side work), and entries.php (server-side script for instantiating number of table […]

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