Blackbams Blog
development – digital arts – internet
Knowledge is free. No one may take possession of it.
Archiv des Monats June 2011|Monthly archive page
Recently, when working on a WordPress website for a huge amount of users, a customer was unsatisfyied with the WordPress backend search for users. The default backend search only is searching for your search string in usernames, but not for first name, last name or email of users. As most WordPress projects are barely […]
From category Plugins, WordPress, WP Scripts || 74 comments »
12. June 2011
While using WordPress on IIS 7 we were confronted with the problem that post loops without results or 404 pages on IIS where redirecting to the ugly default 404 pages of IIS instead of leading us to the WordPress ones. The most obvious possibility to solve this problem is to change the IIS server configuration. […]
9. June 2011
Recently I was confronted with the problem to have multiple user types on a WordPress Blog who needed to be logged in using an external service/authentication mechanism partly. But they all had to use the same login form for the system. A common problem? The WordPress Function Reference and Codex do not document this topic […]