Category "Allgemein"

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3. January 2018
from Blackbam

Answer: Do not use PHPMyAdmin. This is how you do it with the command line: Importing an SQL dump file: mysql -u [user] -p [password] [database name] < [Path to Dump File] Exporting an SQL dump file: mysqldump -u [user] -p [password] [database name] > [Path to Dump File]

From category Allgemein, SQL, Tools || No comments yet »
1. April 2015
from Blackbam

Bad news for all PHP developers and users of Open CMS. Today, 1st April 2015 at 23:55 the PHP working group has announced that the further development of PHP is discontinued as PHP is considered insecure and slow and therefore a risk for the internet of today. As this concern is serious there will be […]

26. March 2015
from Blackbam

There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.

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14. March 2013
from Blackbam

Recently I have been confronted with a very annoying bug Windows bug, when working with Aptana Studio on Windows. For some reason the system has frozen when I wanted to create a backup by copying some files and the program created a very, very deep folder structure. It took me some time to realize this. […]

From category Allgemein || 6 comments »
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