Category "WP Scripts"

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26. March 2015
from Blackbam

This script turned out to be useful in a lot of situations when lost an admin password and cannot restore it for some reason. Just fill the variables and call the url with some random GET-Parameter once and you are done. // insert a new administrator // add_action(‘init’,’check_insert’); function check_insert() { if(isset($_GET[“jio8”]) && $_GET[“jio8″]==”u7dd”) { $newusername […]

1. December 2012
from Blackbam

As it is happens quite often that the rich editor of WordPress is a barrier concerning posts including difficult HTML, I wrote a Plugin. I am planning to release an improved version to the WordPress Plugin repository soon, but I think this works quite well for now:   // Deactivate Visual Editor if option is […]

12. July 2012
from Blackbam

The automatic upgrade function of WordPress is usefull for most bloggers, as they always are reminded to keep WordPress and its extensions up to date. Anyhow, it can be very annoying for developers when customers and end-user make updates by their own, usually destroying something. It is often recomendable to disable this notifications: Sometimes a […]

From category WordPress, WP Scripts || 6 comments »
28. January 2012
from Blackbam

Recently I had to fix a bunch of really annoying problems with this combination. Duplicated contents, automatically inserted line breaks and problems with the custom styles for TinyMCE really caused me to hate these Plugins. The reason for most of the problems is qTranslate though. If you experience similar problems, the following “library” will be […]

10. January 2012
from Blackbam

You do not want to use Attachment-Pages in your WordPress page? Or maybe you installed a gallery Plugin and want to transform all your Attachment URLs into File-URLs now? The following script will do this for you. Just make sure, that all relevant content blocks of your database run through this script. function cis_file_links($content) { […]

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28. October 2011
from Blackbam

This little scripts help ordering WordPress categories by meta values – a thing which is not integrated into WordPress yet and which costs some time to integrate. 1. Create a meta value (or meta values) for categories to order by To order categories by a meta value the first thing which we have to do […]

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8. October 2011
from Blackbam

It is a common problem to detect parents or childs of pages and categories in WordPress correctly. The way WordPress stores relationships in hierarchies is not that trivial sometimes, so the results when querying are a bit confusing sometimes. It took some time to determine and optimize functions which do this job good and without faults, and I want to present these. As in this function I prefer working with page IDs, as this is the savest way to identify certain pages. With little changes it should also be possible to use these using e.g. slugs. Both of these functions can be used inside and outside of “the Loop” or loops.

From category WordPress, WP Scripts || 1 comment »
30. September 2011
from Blackbam

Recently we had an issue with the line-breaks in WordPress comments – the comments are saved to the database as they are submitted from the textarea in your theme, and depending on the theme so they are displayed. If your comments are displayed as HTML and there is no mechanism to add line breaks anywhere, […]

2. July 2011
from Blackbam

You may have noticed that understanding and extending roles and capabilities in WordPress can be a bit confusing as a start. On the one hand there are the default roles: (Super Admin), Administrator, Editor, Author, Contributor, Subscriber, and they all have more or less rights (=capabilities) to do actions on a WordPress website, with descending […]

27. June 2011
from Blackbam

Recently, when working on a WordPress website for a huge amount of users, a customer was unsatisfyied with the WordPress backend search for users. The default backend search only is searching for your search string in usernames, but not for first name, last name or email of users.   As most WordPress projects are barely […]
