Blackbams Blog
development – digital arts – internet
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Tagged Posts ‘WordPress Plugins’
A little bit of advertising for my new Plugin “Simple User Locking” which I have just released to the WordPress plugin repository. It has just passed the security audit by the WordPress plugin team and is not publicly available and free for everybody.
The automatic upgrade function of WordPress is usefull for most bloggers, as they always are reminded to keep WordPress and its extensions up to date. Anyhow, it can be very annoying for developers when customers and end-user make updates by their own, usually destroying something. It is often recomendable to disable this notifications: Sometimes a […]
You may have noticed that understanding and extending roles and capabilities in WordPress can be a bit confusing as a start. On the one hand there are the default roles: (Super Admin), Administrator, Editor, Author, Contributor, Subscriber, and they all have more or less rights (=capabilities) to do actions on a WordPress website, with descending […]